Version 2.97 (5/04/02)
- Fixed file association bug
- Made changes to Italian Language DLL
Version 2.96 (5/04/02)
- Fixed ACE and RAR bugs
- Added Romanian Language DLL to setup package
Version 2.95 (4/26/02)
- Fixed bug where archives still in List of Files To Extract were not
- Fixed ACE extraction problem
Version 2.93 (4/24/02)
Fixed file association bugs
Updated UnRAR.dll to (April 20, 2002 Release)
Fixed "Always On Top" bug
Delete After Extraction now deletes all files in a split-archive set
Version 2.90 (4/17/02)
Fixed a few misc bugs
Delete After Extraction has 3 states : gray, checked, and unchecked
- Gray will delete to the Recycling Bin
- Checked will delete the file permanently
- Unchecked will not delete the file at all
- Cleaned up the Write To File output
- Language can be changed inside the program via the program's system
- Added German Language DLL to the setup package
Version 2.86 (2/27/02)
Delete After Extraction bug has been fixed
Loading of previous session files much faster!
Sorting of history bug fixed
Added Right-click menu to history window with Simple or Detailed
Reporting option
Clear button clears selected files, when files are selected other wise
it will clear all files
Files are removed from the List of Files To Extract when the Deleted
After Extraction operation has been performed
- Added Spanish (Spain) DLL to setup package
Version 2.83 (2/13/02)
- Added French DLL to setup package
- Added Italian DLL to setup package
- Language selectable on first-run
Version 2.80 (2/8/02)
- Fixed bug when Browsing For Folders in Windows 98
- Added multi-language support
- Detailed about box with DLL version information
- New cool looking owner-drawn progress bars
- Updated UnACEV2.DLL from 2.0.X to 2.1.X
- Updated UnRAR.DLL with the latest which works with archives created
with the WinRAR 3.0 series
- Fixed menu bugs
- Reduced file size from version 2.70
- Added Open Archive's Folder feature in the menu
- Added Remove Selected Item(s) feature in the menu
- Added Sorting Ascending/Descending - By Archive File And
Folder Name options to the menu in the program
Version 2.70
- Fixed many misc. bugs
- Conditioned to work with and look good in XP
- Buttons now look XP style
- Tool tips are balloon-like
- Updated menus to have VS.NET style
- Updated extraction code
- Fixed auto-extraction bugs
- Fixed long file name problem
- Added support for file extensions : .001
- Updated folder selection code
- Added "Send To" shortcut
- Added file type icon to associated archives
- Fixed file association bugs
- Updated help files
Update 2.58 (10/31/01)
- Fixed some file association bugs
Update 2.57 (10/30/01)
- Added 'Close Program After Extracted' option
- Added the ability to be able to select which
types of archives you want associated with
ExtractNow and which types you don't
- Added the ability to make ExtractNow the
default association for archive types
- Added the ability to make auto-extraction
the default operation for associated file
Update 2.53 (10/22/01)
- Added download feature when finding newer
version of ExtractNow on the internet
- Fixed NT4 SP5 'SHGetSettings' error
Update 2.51 (10/21/01)
- Fixed and improved file loading at startup
Version 2.50 (10/17/01)
- Updated searching for archives in folder routine
- Fixed some drag and drop errors
- Added 'Add File(s)' and 'Search Through/Add
Folder' to right-click menu in the program, for adding files through a
selection dialog
Check out the screen shot [1], (
[2] )
Update 2.48 (10/15/01)
- Coded in cool new menus with icons and stuff
- Added testarchive.zip for first load to help show
people how to use the program
- Added error for non-archives dropped for new
- Saves list loaded files when closed and loads
them again on open. Loaded files are those that have been dragged over
to the main window.
- Updated logging
Update 2.43 (10/06/01)
- Fixed multiple extracting with Right-click
- Fixed problem with icon in the New Folder dialog
not showing correct icon on some systems
- Fixed the 16x16 icon for the program
- Added correct error reporting for empty ZIP files
- Updated pictures in help files
Version 2.40 (10/02/01)
- Replace 'Show History After Extraction' option
with 'Delete Files To Recycle Bin After Extraction', and the history
will be shown automatically.
- Fixed two bugs in ZIP error reporting
- Added 'Open with ExtractNow' to Right-Click
- Fixed bug with Right-Click integration and
Windows XP
- Double-clicking system tray icon automatically
restores the window
Update 2.35 (09/30/01)
- Added 'Minimize to Tray' option
- Added support for JAR extraction which uses ZIP
uncompression method
Update 2.32 (09/27/01)
- Bug fixed in right-click integration
- Added spiffy image to setup program
- Added what's new file to setup program
Update 2.31 (09/26/01)
- Fixed GetLongPathName error on NT
Version 2.30 (09/25/01)
- Added a 'Check For Latest Version' feature
- Fixed a few GUI problems
- Fixed right-click integration access violation
- Fixed right-click integration with RAR and ACE
- Removed some unneeded code
- Updated help files
Update 2.26
- Added password support for ACE, ZIP, and RAR
- Fixed access violation error
- Improvements in coding
Update 2.23
- Processes RAR, ACE, & ZIP SFX archives
- Auto-scroll feature added to both the History
window and the List of Archives to Extract window
Update 2.21
- Added 'Always On Top' option
- Updated help files to show some misc features
that might be hidden to the average user
- Fixed problem with Quick Launch icon not being
created during setup
- Fixed a user interface problem
Version 2.20
- Added more status reporting and full ACE status
- Added Scanning & Testing status reporting stages
- Added more functionality to the stop button
- Fixed RAR broken multi-volume archive access
violation error
- Masking works with ACE files now
- Fixed more memory leaks
- Replaced unrar32.dll with a better one
- Updated install/uninstall program
Update 2.16
- Fixed folder selection problem in settings dialog
- Updated website and e-mail info in program
Update 2.15
- Fixed extraction problem
- Made dialog resizable
- Made columns resize w/dialog
- Added Stop functionality for extraction
Update 2.11
- Created tool tips for the main dialog
Version 2.10
- Fixed browse window position
- Added text next to progress bars for stats
- Status text is displayed when extracting files
- Shows progress of ACE extraction
- Multiple instances are allowed now, although if
opening files from explorer they will only show up in one of the open
- Improved ZIP, ACE, & RAR history reporting
- CRC testing on ZIP, ACE, & RAR files before
- Fixed memory leaks and access violation errors
- Fixed ACE & RAR bugs
- Reports error if next volume in multi-volume
archive is not found
Version 2.00 - Re-release
- New interface with new progress bars
- New and simpler options
- Simple option to automatically overwrite or not
- Largely recoded
- Improved icon coding
- Improved registry access coding
- Writes history to file
- More comprehensive error reporting
- Works with archives made with WinZIP, WinRAR, &
WinACE files
- Runs extraction process in thread, preventing the
system or program from hanging
- Can search through directories for archives, new
with improved coding and thread action!
- Improved Right-Click Shell Integration coding
- Improved uninstall program
- New dialogs for selecting folders throughout the